André Pieterse
Counselling Psychologist
Practice Number 8640181
HPCSA Registration Number PS0059943
"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open."
John Barrymore
Child Therapy
Child therapy can take on the form of play therapy, art therapy, and sand play therapy. This is usually preceeded by a parent interview to obtain relevant background to your concerns. A safe, playfull and non-intrusive environment is created where the child can communicate on his / her terms. Children are not yet equipped to communicate through language in the way adults would expect. It is for this reason that play therapy is useful. It is more effective and less intrusive - communicating in the language children understand - Play!
The following issues can be addressed through play therapy:
Coping with parents' divorce.
Dealing with emotional upsets.
Seperation anxiety.
Problems with socialising.
Bed wetting and soiling.
Scholastic problems affecting self esteem.