André Pieterse
Counselling Psychologist
Practice Number 8640181
HPCSA Registration Number PS0059943
"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open."
John Barrymore
André utilises various therapeutic techniques which are tailored to the client's individual needs. He utilises modalities which have been widely used and proven through research to be most useful in various cases.
The techniques used by André may include psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, systemic therapy, narrative therapy, solution focussed therapy, hypnosis and ego state therapy.
He may also utilise strategic counselling and common sense approaches to everyday stressors for the individual, parent and family.
Therapy does not have to be a cold, impersonal process where the client is made to feel abnormal. André focuses on working with normal people who are struggling with the stress that life throws at them.
If it is found that a client requires specialised treatment at any point the relevant referral will be made to an appropriate specialist.