André Pieterse
Counselling Psychologist
Practice Number 8640181
HPCSA Registration Number PS0059943
"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open."
John Barrymore
How much does it cost ?
André charges rates which are more or less in line with most medical aid rates. He is able to claim directly from your medical aid and you are responsible for the portion not paid by the medical aid. Please contact your medical aid to determine whether you have funds available for psychology as well as how much they pay out per session. This will help you with working out your budget.
The amount of sessions required depends on the nature of the therapy as well as individual requirements. So this is hard to estimate beforehand. I typically see therapy clients for six to twelve sessions. If you have a long standing history of difficulties you may require more long term sessions.
Assessments can be quoted for beforehand. Feel free to enquire directly with André for an estimation of assessment costs.
Private or non medical aid clients are eligible for a discount and accounts are payable directly after the consultation.
Appointments that are not cancelled 24 hours in advance will be charged for. The reason for this is because therapy is a commitment for both client and therapist. If a client does not arrive or cancel on short notice the session is forfeited where another client could have been booked during that time or the therapist could have done something else.